

Version 0.0.8 has been released to GitHub.

This is a cleanup release and contains no new functionality. The only notable differences are that the shim implementations for database and cryptography are not compiled by default anymore.

The full git history is below:

* f827b29 - (tag: v0.0.8) cmd/netauthd: address linter concerns
* 5b7afa2 - pkg/client: address linter concerns
* dad108d - internal/ctl: address linter concerns
* acb0202 - internal/rpc: address golint concerns
* bbdf887 - internal/crypto: support returning an initialization error
* 71974a4 - internal/db: flatten and address review comments
* fec8b9d - internal/crypto: flatten out and incorperate review comments
* 4ef4f8e - internal/tree: consistently use pointer receivers
* 4668cdd - internal/token: address lint and review feedback
* 20b1fce - internal/health: address lint concerns
* 066568a - internal/tree: address golint and review comments
* 8d5e049 - internal/db: address golint concerns
* d357f9e - internal/crypto: address golint concerns
* 2950333 - gofmt stragglers
* 25e4b5c - Fix help output for list-members
* 377b1c6 - Return an error when certificate can't be obtained
* cf77400 - Filter keys for requested key type in ModifyEntityKeys
* f6c4ed3 - Make more clear that --PWN_ME is not to be used
* a1d56bf - Do not build nocrypto by default
* 588ac56 - Don't build MemDB by default, default now ProtoDB
* d5adf66 - Update ROADMAP
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