Still Not a Directory


All the way back at the start of the project, it was decided that NetAuth would not be a general purpose directory. First, because general purpose directories are difficult to develop and maintain, and second because that wasn’t the goal of the project. If you want a directory, go install OpenLDAP. This being said, some directory functions are really useful to have. NetAuth now has a key/value store which adds just enough “directory” to be useful.

Starting in version 0.0.10, NetAuth includes a key/value store on entities and groups. The semantics of the store are the same for both entities and groups, so we’ll only look at entities in this write-up.

A new command has been added to the CLI:

$ netauth help untyped-meta
untyped-meta --<entity|group> --<read|clearfuzzy|clearexact|upsert> --key <key> --value [value]

Manage untyped metadata associated with groups and entities.
Clearfuzzy strips ordering values from keys before clearing, whereas
clearexact removes a key with an exact match.  Upsert either inserts a
new value, or updates an existing one, and tries to do the right thing
either way.  Key and Value are always strings, key may not contain the
reserved rune ':'.
          Clear keys with exact matching
          Clear keys with partial matching
  -entity string
          ID for the entity to modify
  -group string
          Name for the group to modify
  -key string
          Key to act on
          Read the value specified by 'key' including ordered results
          Insert/Update a value for a particular key
  -value string
          Value to act with

The new command is modal, and can read, update, insert, and clear keys from the store.

An example of basic usage is to set keys on an entity as shown:

$ netauth untyped-meta --entity root --upsert --key k --value foo
$ netauth untyped-meta --entity root --read --key '*'
k: foo

Pretty simple, and the ‘*’ works as expected and returns all the keys and values (just make sure to quote it so your shell doesn’t eat it).

At this point, its worth talking about the caveats and restrictions to this system. First, the k/v structure is part of the embedded data model on entities and groups, if you store thousands of keys on something, its object will become very large and cause the access times to spiral upwards.

Second, all keys and values are strings, all the time. If you link the native client or use the gRPC definition directly, then when you get the results from the server, you will obtain a map of strings to strings. If you require strict typing, consider using an encoding scheme of some kind.

Sometimes ordering multiple values for a single key is very useful. To support this NetAuth supports using indexed keys which are always sorted and returned by the CLI as a sorted set.

Here’s an example of the ordered keys system:

$ netauth untyped-meta --entity root --upsert --key phone{0} --value "1 (555) 867-5309"
$ netauth untyped-meta --entity root --upsert --key phone{2} --value "1 (555) 090-0461"
$ netauth untyped-meta --entity root --upsert --key phone{1} --value "1 (555) 888-8888"
$ netauth untyped-meta --entity root --read --key phone
phone{0}: 1 (555) 867-5309
phone{1}: 1 (555) 888-8888
phone{2}: 1 (555) 090-0461

As you can see, even though the keys are added out of order, they are returned as rules by an ordering constant at the end of the key. This expression is not part of the key, but is instead used to order the keys within a return.

The key/value system should allow NetAuth to bridge the gap a bit more easily between being a raw IDP and a full fledged directory. Just remember that the additional values live within the data models for groups and entities, and adding large numbers can cause your server to slow down.

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