Plugged In


NetAuth has from the very start been opinionated. This is what has allowed the system to work reliably and be developed quickly even with extremely limited developer resources. Opinionated systems are, however, limited by the opinions that have shaped them. In NetAuth’s case, this is visible in what the primary server does and doesn’t do. It can tell you if an entity is who they claim to be, and what groups they are in. This is all, and this is by design.

Of course, this doesn’t and won’t cover all use cases from all sites that may wish to run NetAuth. It was never intended to. To cover these additional use cases and to provide the logic in the server that some sites may require requires extensibility and for NetAuth, extensibility means plugins.

So what can plugins extend? Well, right now plugins can hook into 12 key points during entity and group processing. In order, these points are:

These hooks are means to provide extensibility for both policy choices such as site specific password requirements, as well as mirroring data from NetAuth into external systems. Plugins are only useful though if they’re reasonably easy to build, so lets look at what it takes to build a plugin.

Plugins were designed to be very easy to implement. To ensure this is the case plugins are implemented as simple Go interfaces which can be accessed via Hashicorp’s go-plugin library. This mechanims of plugin components ensures that each plugin runs as a seperate supervised process with its own protected memory that can’t crash the main server should it encounter a problem. To install a new plugin, simply drop its file into the appropriate directory and restart the server, the plugin will automatically be added to the list to be invoked during request procesing.

Plugins aren’t without risk though, a plugin that crashes or returns errors will abort the request that’s being processed, so care should be taken to only load tested and proven plugins on critical infrastructure. In the worst case a plugin can be removed temporarily if its acting up and the server can be run as normal without any plugins installed.

So this is a lot of how plugins are implemented at a high level, but what does one actually look like? One example plugin is part of the NetAuth codebase to show how the basic idea works: fail2lock. This plugin is very simple, it implements the “if there are X failures in Y minutes, refuse authentication” scheme. The plugin consists of a PreAuthCheck hook which checks if too many recent failures have occured, and if so it refuses the authentication attempt. If not, it pessimistically assumes that the login will fail and adds a record documenting the failure. If the login succeeds the PostAuthCheck will be called and the temporary failure markers will be cleared.

In practice, this looks like the following two functions:

func (f fail2lock) PreAuthCheck(e, de pb.Entity) (pb.Entity, error) {
	flags := util.PatchKeyValueSlice(e.Meta.UntypedMeta, "READ", "fail2lock", "")

	if len(flags) == 1 && strings.Split(flags[0], ":")[1] == "RESET" {
		delete(f.failDB, e.GetID())
		e.Meta.UntypedMeta = util.PatchKeyValueSlice(e.Meta.UntypedMeta, "CLEARFUZZY", "fail2lock", "")
		return e, nil

	inIntervalFails := 0
	startTime := time.Now().Add(cfg.GetDuration("interval") * -1)
	for _, t := range f.failDB[e.GetID()] {
		if t.After(startTime) {

	if inIntervalFails >= cfg.GetInt("allowed_fails") {
		appLogger.Warn("fail2lock is locking an entity",
			"entity", e.GetID(),
			"fails", inIntervalFails,
			"allowed", cfg.GetInt("allowed_fails"))
		e.Meta.Locked = proto.Bool(true)
		return e, nil

	f.failDB[e.GetID()] = append(f.failDB[e.GetID()], time.Now())

	return e, nil

func (f fail2lock) PostAuthCheck(e, de pb.Entity) (pb.Entity, error) {
	delete(f.failDB, e.GetID())
	return e, nil

As you can see, the meat of the plugin is actually very simple, even to have a special flag that lets a help-desk operator instantly clear failures from the plugin’s memory. This plugin only implements two of the available hooks though, so how can it satisfy the interface? Very simply actually, it embeds the null plugin:

type fail2lock struct {

	failDB map[string][]time.Time

This “null” plugin implements all functions and has no affects on calls to other hooks, it simply returns without errors for all cases. In this way plugin authors are free to focus on only the code they require to generate their plugin’s behavior. All told, the example plugin is only 77 lines of code.

This functionality as well as structured logging from the previous post will be released in 0.2.0 along with updates to the getting started guide to showcase this new functionality.

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