Lint Trap


Most programming languages have linters. Go is no exception.

Up until now, most of NetAuth has been in the rapid development phase and code quality has not been kept as high as should be in a release system. The linter is one way to improve things.

Changes that have happened since the last release that will make their way into 0.0.8 or perhaps 0.1.0 involve cleaning up the linter concerns for all of the packages that are a part of NetAuth itself, as well as seeking code reviews. These code reviews have brought forth valuable feedback for where the code can be made to be more in line with the Go best practices, as well as places where refactoring passes had missed sections of the codebase. One such case dates back to the very early versions of NetAuth which used dual keyed entities to make lookups via number faster in some cases. This had been pulled from the entity system for a while, but the database still claimed to support this function.

While the authors of golint make very clear that you should not blindly strive for a lint-free codebase, I find that all of the suggestions it made for NetAuth were reasonable and worth implementing. NetAuth is now lint free, heavily commented, and hopefully much easier to extend and service.

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